Hello and welcome to Saints Youth. We’re a growing community of young people wanting to passionately follow Jesus, share our lives with each other, invite others in and build the kingdom of God together. We have lots of fun in the process.
We believe that church is better with friends and we’re on a mission to be a warm and welcoming community. We want all young people to have a space where they can explore faith, meet Jesus, thrash out all their questions, be heard, make friends and know their absolute worth. When we gather, we make time to hang out and play, we read and discuss the Bible, we try to provoke genuine and meaningful discussion, we listen, we pray and we worship. All young people are welcome – whether from Christian homes or not.
Saints Youth meet as two groups, older youth and younger youth, on Thursday evenings and on Sundays. Youngers is currently school year 7-8 and older is year 9 and up. We’re in the process of building a 6th formers community too (please get in touch for more info on this one). See below for more information on the format of our gatherings. We hope you can join us.

7:30pm - 9pm
Hanging out, games, tuck, worship, Bible teaching and ministry.
When facing the church, head down the left-hand side (not the car park side), past the atrium, towards the railings lit with festoon lights. The youth team will be there to meet you and show you where to go.
7:30pm - 9pm
Hanging out, pizza, games, reading the Bible together, discussion and prayer.
We have three youth small groups meeting in different leaders' homes. These are an opportunity to get to know each other better and have a safe space to ask your questions - nothing's off limits. If you would like to join a group please get in touch for more information. We would love to have you.

SUNDAY - 11am - about 12:30
We meet on Sunday's during the 11.15 family service. The Youth Café is open from 11am. Feel free to head straight up there. If you're new or visiting, look out for a member of the Youth Team in a purple T-shirt in the Atrium café. They will welcome you, show you where to go and introduce you to some friendly faces.
When you arrive there will be free time with activities to hang out and get to know each other. At about 11.30 we split into our separate older and younger groups for a big group game, bible study, discussion and prayer.
Please click the button to view our safeguarding policy and procedures.
To complete a registration form for your young person