It is a church’s register of electors – members of the church family with voting rights (in a similar way that being on the civic Electoral Register allows you to vote in parliamentary and local elections).
You can of course be a full and active member of the church without joining the Roll. However, it is another important statement of witness and step in discipleship.
It demonstrates your commitment to the church community and vision. It entitles you to vote on church matters, stand for roles of leadership here and opens the way to greater involvement within the Church of England locally and beyond.
It shows the strength of All Saints’ and St. Andrew's in the local area and across the diocese. Our representation on church governing bodies depends on the numbers on the Roll. Similarly, the voice and influence of the Church of England in the nation, also depends on collective strength of countrywide parish Electoral Rolls.
We would love all members of the church family who have made All Saints’ or St. Andrew's their spiritual home to be counted on the Electoral Roll.
Every six years, we must prepare a completely new Roll, and this is what is going to happen this year. This means that everyone, even those who are currently members, must apply afresh to the Electoral Roll.
Application Process and Timetable
As announced in both churches on Sunday 23rd February, you can apply to join the new Electoral Roll from that date. You have until Monday 7th April to apply for inclusion in the new 2025 Electoral Roll which will be published on Thursday 10th April. We are required to publish the new Roll at least 15 days prior to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (Sunday 27th April).
Eligibility Criteria
Firstly, you need to be baptised, a lay person (not ordained), and a member of the Church of England (confirmed, or just committed through attending).
Secondly, it depends on whether you are resident in the parish and if you are, you qualify regardless of whether you regularly attend services. If you are not resident in the parish, you need to have 'habitually' (regularly) attended* 'public worship' (services) at All Saints' or St Andrew's for at least 6 months.
*or been prevented from attending for a good reason (such as illness).
To check whether you live in the parish or not, have a look at the map below.

How to Apply
Two methods:
Complete the online form using the button below.
Complete the paper form to be found in both churches and return to the parish (there will be posting boxes next to the forms to facilitate this).
As we expect to receive over 500 applications, it would help the Office Staff and Electoral Roll Officer (David Wyatt), if you complete the application form at your earliest convenience rather than leaving it until the deadline!